Becoming a Christian

Become a Christian

C.S. Lewis said, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

The most important questions you will ever face in life are – Who is Jesus? Why did he come to this world? And what does this mean for me? You’re understanding and response to Jesus will determine everything.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus of Nazareth is the most well-known figure who ever lived. He never obtained any formal degrees, did not belong to any religious order, lived homeless and died penniless and yet 2.3 billion people follow Him today. Every major religion, including Islam and Hinduism, hold him in high regard.

Every founder of every major religion pointed away from themselves and to a higher authority. Jesus pointed directly to Himself and claimed to be the way, the truth and the life.[1] He claimed to be the Messiah and anointed King sent from God, have the authority to forgive our sins, and received worship from anyone who would bow their knee to him.[2] Christianity is not centered on a set of teachings, but on the person and work of Jesus Himself.

Why did Jesus come into the world?

The Scriptures tells us that Christ died for sins that he might bring us to God.[3] He was crucified on the cross and rose again on the third day.[4] Jesus is the very Son of God who took on human flesh, lived a life of perfect love and obedience, willingly went to the cross to die for our sins. He was raised by God’s power from the dead.[5] Now he rules and reigns as the living Savior and King. He did this in order to reconcile sinners to God and bring His Kingdom down on earth.

Jesus had to suffer and die as a substitute for sinners. Sin is our way of substituting ourselves in place of God. It is declaring ourselves to our own lords and saviors of our lives, determining what’s right for ourselves and rejecting God’s loving reign.[6] But the consequence of our sins is bondage instead of freedom, guilt and shame instead of peace, and darkness instead of light.[7] But God, who is rich in mercy and love, sent Jesus into the world to rescue sinners from sin, judgment and death, and restore the Kingdom of God on earth.[8]

Our Response to Jesus

Jesus promises that if anyone would repent and believe this good news, they will be saved.[9] Anyone who surrenders their life to Jesus, confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior and put their trust in Him to forgive and save them by sheer grace, will experience freedom, peace and eternal life.[10] Jesus will come into their life and take up permanent residence, transforming them from the inside out.[11] They will be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and enjoy God forever. They will also be brought into a new community under Christ where they will have an eternal relationship of brothers and sisters in the family of God.[12]

We invite you to call on Jesus even this moment. If you have done so or would like to explore more or talk to someone about this, let us know. You can contact us at or submit a prayer request using the prayer tab. We invite you to take a step toward Jesus and join us in following Him.

[1] John 14:6

[2] Matthew 2:11; 16:16-18; 28:9, 17; Luke 5:17-24; 24:52; John 9:38; 20:28

[3] 1 Peter 3:18

[4] 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

[5] Ephesians 1:15-23

[6] Genesis 3:1-7; Romans 1:18-23

[7] Romans 1:24-32; 3:10-18

[8] Mark 1:14-15

[9] Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9

[10] John 3:16; 10:10; Luke 9:23-24

[11] Revelation 3:20

[12] Matthew 12:46-50

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